flying my Stinson

flying my Stinson

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Traveling Salesman

My favorite relaxing form of mixed media is making a visual journal page. I like to sit down at my work table and pick from leftovers on the table or perhaps a picture that speaks to me. Today was the first day in a long time I've had a chance to do that -- and start a blog!! Anyway, this journal spread evolved from an old magazine page I'd saved about traveling salemen. My maternal grandfather was a traveling salesman in the Midwest. He started in the depression when they lost the family farm and continued into his 70s when he retired. He would leave home usually on Monday morning and be out 3-5 days as he made his route, staying in small town hotels and eating in diners. He often picked up hitchhikers for company. He loved his job, made lots of lasting friendships and saw the country.


  1. This is a wonderfully imaginative journal spread, Joena. It really makes me think about what it must have been like for your grandfather.

  2. What an adventure and a real challenge!

  3. How wonderful that you were able to hear his stories! Spread is a nice tribute and well laid out!
